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Order statuses

In your list of orders Orders > View all orders, each order status is represented by a specific color.

These colors correspond to the progress of your order. They will help you view your pending, confirmed or rejected orders at a glance.

Here is the list of statuses :

  • Abandoned: An abandoned order is one that has not been completed. 👉 Find out more on abandoned orders
  • Awaiting payment (transactional emails) : An order awaiting payment is an order for which your customer’s payment has not yet been confirmed. Orders that are paid for by check, transfer or personalized payment will automatically fall within this status. Once payment has been received from your customer, you can change the status of the order manually. 👉 Find out more about the “awaiting payment” status.
  • Payment awaiting verification (transactional emails) : This order status helps distinguish between orders for which payment is pending (where payment has not been received) and orders for which payment has been received but which require further confirmation (it may be useful for certain payment organizations). Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • Awaiting preparation (transactional emails) : An order awaiting preparation is an order for which payment has been confirmed and which has to be prepared. Orders for which payment is immediately confirmed (credit card, PayPal, Amazon Pay) move automatically to this status.
  • Awaiting restocking: An order awaiting restocking is an order for which payment has been confirmed, but for which you do not have available stock to send to your customers (in case of pre-orders, for example).
  • In preparation: An order in preparation is an order that is being prepared for delivery. Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • Deferred delivery: An order whose delivery is deferred is an order which won’t be immediately delivered. Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • Delivery in progress (transactional emails) : An order whose delivery is in progress is an order which has just been shipped. Setting an order to this status is carried out manually, when you (or your supplier) ship the order.
  • Delivered: An order which has been delivered is an order for which you have received confirmation from your carrier or your customer that the parcel has been received. Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • In process of return: An order in process of return is an order which your customer has asked to return.  Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • Delivery problem / return: An order with a delivery/return problem is an order that your customer has had a problem with in terms of delivery or receipt of the parcel. Setting an order to this status is carried out manually.
  • Refunded: A refunded order is an order which you have partially or fully refunded. Caution: this status does not trigger an automatic refund through your payment organization.
  • Cancelled (transactional email) : A cancelled order is an order for which a cancellation request has been made (generally by the customer). A full or partial refund can also be applied to this type of order. Caution: this status does not trigger an automatic refund through your payment organization.

☝️ Good to know

  • These order statuses are linked to an automatic email which is sent to your customer. Your customer may also track the progress of their order from their customer account directly on your store, under My order history. You can customize these emails if required: 👉 Customize your transactional emails.
  • You can choose the status that your order will automatically move to when confirmed by your customer, whatever the payment method used. For example, if you would prefer orders paid for by credit card to move to In preparation rather than Awaiting preparation because you are able to prepare your orders very quickly. You can change this status in each of your payment options, in Advanced options at the very bottom of the page.
  • You can create your own customized order statuses. 👉 Find out more 

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches should you have any questions!