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The CSV products catalog nomenclature

On the WiziShop solution, you can export or import your product catalog in CSV.

The products catalog follows a precise nomenclature regarding the different fields to be completed for the correct conformity of your products, when placed online.

Here are some essential information about the products catalog:

  • Each row of the spreadsheet represents a product page
  • Each column of the spreadsheet corresponds to an information belonging to your product sheet
  • Products with variations are not currently managed via the CSV catalog import/export tool

In order to make the best use of your file, various mandatory and optional fields compose the product catalog. 

The mention "(required)" means that the information is mandatory in your file in order to complete your product files at 100% when importing.


Product ID (required): The Product ID is the unique ID of your product page, only visible to the store administrators and starting with the # sign. Each product ID must be different to avoid any confusion by the system when importing your catalog. When you create your first product file via your Administration space, the ID of your first product is #1 (the second: #2, the third: #3, etc.).

Product Reference (required): Your Product Reference is the reference you assign to your product internally. It can be a numerical and/or lettered reference. 

Supplier Reference (optional): The Supplier Reference is the reference you give to your supplier internally. It can be an numeric and/or a lettered reference. This supplier reference will allow you to filter your catalog according to your suppliers, if needed.

Supplier Name (optional): The Supplier Name is the name you give to your supplier internally. It can be an numerical and/or lettered reference. This supplier name will allow you to filter your catalog according to your suppliers, if needed.

EAN 13 (optional): The EAN13 code is the 8 or 13 digit barcode to identify a unique product. 

ISBN (optional): The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) code uniquely identifies a book. This code is specifically useful when selling a book (printed or multimedia).

Product Name (required): The Product Name is the name that will appear on your product listing and product page, as the title for your product.


Short Description (required): The short description is the tag line that will appear below your product name on your product page.

Long description (required): The long description is the commercial description of your product.

Keywords (optional): The keywords of your product sheet allow visitors to find your product via the internal search engine of your store. Each keyword entered in this field must be separated by a semicolon.

Characteristics (optional): The specifications of your product listing are the "technical" information listed as bullets and listed below the long description on your product page. Each feature must be separated by a semicolon, in the cell of your CSV.

Weight (required): The weight of your product must be entered in grams.

Number of items in stock (required): The number of products in stock is a unit value to be filled in and represents the quantity in stock available for the product.

Page Title (optional): Your product page title is the title that will appear on search results. The limit for this title is 65 characters.

URL (without .html) (optional): Your product page URL is the end of your product page URL to be filled in. The URL of your product page has the form www.mystore.com/category/subcategory/PRODUCTPAGEURL.html .

Meta Description (optional): Your product page's meta description is a short, attractive description that will appear below the page title on search results.

Affiliate Link (required for Evolup): Your Evolup product affiliate link is your tracked affiliate link to which you will redirect visitors to your Evolup product pages.


Photo 1 (required): Photo 1 is the main photo of your product page. You have to fill in the URL of your product photo hosted on our solution beforehand. 

Photo 2 to Photo 15 (optional): As with Photo 1, photos 2 through 15 are the photos for your product page. You must fill in the URL of each of your photos in each field.

Product status

Product status (required): The Status of your product is its status on your online store. You must fill in one of the following states: Displayed, Not displayed, Unavailable.

Start date (optional): Your product start date is the date you want your product to appear on your store. The date must be entered in the form YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss +timezone (ex: 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00).

End date (optional): The end date is the date you want your product to no longer appear on your store. The date must be entered in the form YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss +timezone (ex: 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00).

New Product End Date (optional): Your product has the option to be marked as "New" on your store, using a customized Badge. If this is a wanted status for your product, you need to fill in the "New" end date for your product in the form YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss +timezone (ex: 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00).

Product in the selection (optional): Your product has the option to be put "in the selection". Putting your products in selection allows you to display them in mass on your homepage. The field can be completed with the values "TRUE" or "FALSE".


Brand ID (required): The Brand ID is the unique identifier of your product's brand. This ID starts with the # sign and is visible via the Products > Brands section.

Brand Name (required): Your brand name is the unique brand name of your product. This name can be encrypted or typed and is visible via the Products > Brands section. 

Main Category ID (required): Your product's main category ID is the unique identifier of the parent main category starting with the # sign and listed in Products > Categories. 

Main Category (required): Your product's main category is the unique name of the main category, listed under Products > Categories. 

Main Sub-Category ID (required): Your product's main sub-category ID is the unique identifier of your product's main sub-category (if it exists), beginning with the # sign and listed under Products > Categories. 

Main sub-category (required): Your product's main subcategory is the unique name of the main subcategory (if it exists), listed under Products > Categories. 

Secondary Category 1 ID and Secondary Category 1 (optional): Your product has the ability to be assigned to more than one category. This field allows you to fill in the ID and name of the secondary category 1, if needed.

Sub-Category ID Sub-Category 1 and Sub-Category 1 (optional): Your product has the ability to be assigned to more than one category. This field allows you to fill in the ID and name of the secondary sub-category 1 if needed.

Secondary Category 2 ID and Secondary Category 2 (optional): Your product has the ability to be assigned to more than one category. This field allows you to fill in the ID and name of the secondary category 2, if needed.

Sub-Category ID 2 and Sub-Category 2 (optional): Your product has the ability to be assigned to more than one category. This field allows you to fill in the ID and name of the secondary sub-category 2, if needed.

Prices and discounts

Product purchase price excl. tax (optional): The purchase price excluding VAT of your product is the price at which you purchase your product from your supplier, excluding taxes.

Product Margin (optional): Your product margin is the percentage increase applied to your purchase price excluding VAT that you want to apply to your product to define the selling price excluding VAT of your product.

Type of rounding for the margin (optional): There are 4 types of margin rounding applied to your product.

If you want to keep the price as it is, the value to enter is 0.

If you want to round up the price to the nearest unit or half of it, the value to enter is 1.

If you want to round down the price with 1 cent, the value to enter is 2.

If you want to round down the price with 5 centimes, the value to enter is 3.

Product price (including VAT and excluding discount) (required): The product price including VAT is the price at which you sell your product, including all taxes and excluding discounts.

Discount amount (optional): The discount amount is the amount of discount applied to the selling price of your product (including tax but excluding discount). This amount must be entered in value.

Discount percentage (optional): The discount percentage is the percentage of discount applied to the selling price of your product (including tax but excluding discount). This amount must be entered as a percentage.

Discount type (optional): There are 4 types of discounts applicable to your product. Only 3 types of discounts are managed via the product catalog in CSV. You must fill in one of the following types: special_offer, sale, flash_sale.

Discount Start Date (optional): The discount start date is the date your discount (amount or percentage) begins for your product. The date must be entered in the form YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss +timezone (ex: 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00).

Discount End Date (optional): The discount end date is the date your discount (amount or percentage) ends. This date must be entered in the form YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss +timezone (ex: 2023-05-23T00:00:00+02:00).

Eco-participation (optional): The eco-participation can be included in the selling price of your product (including VAT and excluding discount). It is necessary to inform the eco-participation in value.

VAT rate (required): The VAT rate is to be filled in as a percentage and is dependent on the current VAT rate for your product and the legal status of your company.

Secondary Information

The secondary information of your product sheet is used to add specifications that will be useful when exporting your products to the Marketplaces (Google Shopping, Facebook, etc.) so that your products are categorized in the search filters.

Find all product data specifications on this Google Merchant Center help.

Warranty (optional): Warranty must be filled in as a number of months.
Gender (optional): Gender can be Male, Female or Unisex.
Material (optional): The material of your product allows you to describe it further or highlight the main material. 
Color (optional): The color attribute allows you to highlight the color(s) of your product.
Size (optional): The size attribute allows you to reference the size(s) you offer for your product.
Quantity (optional): The quantity of your product allows you to reference the quantity available for your product (ex: 100 ml, 2.5 L, 300 g, etc).
Size (optional): The size of your product allows you to indicate the size(s) available for your product.
Size (optional): The dimension of your product allows you to indicate the width x height x length of your product.


☝️ Good to know

When exporting to Google Merchant Center or Marketplaces, product variants are not exported. As you can only add one EAN code per product, we recommend that you add the same EAN code to the base product as the variant selected by default on your product.


💬 Feel Free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!