Available for

Customer offers

It is possible to allocate benefits (e.g. 5% discount or free shipping) to certain customer segments.

To configure all the options, go to your administration area, Marketing > Loyalty program & Rewards section, "Customer offers" tab.

Before determining the discounts and benefits to the desired customer segment, you must select or create the relevant customer segment.

Once you have selected your customer segment, determine the benefits that these customers will automatically receive.

There are several options for you to determine:

  • Whether or not the customer earns loyalty points if they are in the segment
  • Whether or not the customer in the segment receives a special discount
  • Whether the discount applies if a discount code is used on the order
  • The amount from which the customer benefits :
    • a discount on his basket
    • or free shipping
    • or a discount on his basket and free delivery
  • The amount of the discount (€ or %)

It will be possible to define several brackets according to the total of the cart.

For example, if your customer belonging to segment Y has put €50 in his basket, you could offer him a €5 discount, if he adds €150 to his basket, he would be entitled to a 10% discount + free shipping and so on.

This system will give you a lot of freedom when it comes to allocating benefits to dynamic groups of customers.

Here are some examples:

  • You offer free shipping to your business customers whose delivery address is in Paris.
  • You offer a 10% discount to your customers who have placed at least 5 orders on the site and who are delivered by SoColissimo
  • You offer 5% discount to your customers who ordered a specific product

☝️ Good to know

These are benefits that can be set up for site customers, i.e. people with an account in your store.

  • Deactivated customers: This segment lists customers who have been deactivated by you.
  • Potential customers: As the name suggests, these are customers who have registered with your store, but have not placed an order. It's possible that a user simply chose to register on the site without buying anything.
  • Customers who placed their 1st order recently: These are customers who have placed a single validated order in the past month.
  • Loyal customers: These are customers who have placed at least two validated orders.
  • Customers: All customers who have placed at least one validated order, with no date limit.


👉 Resources

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!