Available for

WiziBlocks: Product list

The Product list WiziBlock will allow you to highlight lists of products among your pre-selected products, or by choosing them manually :


Layout choices

In the left-hand menu, click on the WiziBlock "Product list" and choose one of the proposed layouts:

  • Classic product listing :


  • Product listing with a highlighted product :


  • Refined list with text when hovering over :


Specificities of the WiziBlock Product list

To begin, you can consult the general configurations common to all WiziBlocks.

Other options will allow you to :

  • Choose the number of products rows: 1, 2 or 3.
  • Select the products to promote. By clicking on the Element configuration in the top left corner of your block : by typing the name or reference of your product, or by choosing from one of your pre-selected lists in the drop-down menu.

  • Change the title of the list by clicking directly on the text to edit it.

  • Delete the title of the list.

☝️ Good to know

To create a list of pre-selected products, go to Products > List of products. Here, you can set products to Favorites selection, discount, New selection or flash sales.

In your product list, search for the products you want to highlight (in the search bar or via the filter options), then select them. In the Other actions menu, choose Set to Favorites Selection or Set to New selection, depending on what you want to display. If you want to set your products to Discount or Flash Sales, click on Apply Discount.

⚠️ Watch out

If you have scheduled your discounts for a future date, your products will only be displayed in your WiziBlock from that date.

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!