The Elements of reassurance WiziBlock will allow you to put forward elements of reassurance to your customers. It is independent of the general reassurance elements. To avoid duplicates, you can disable your general reassurance elements in Appearance > Elements of reassurance.
Layout choices
In the left-hand menu, click on the WiziBlock "Elements of reassurance" and choose one of the proposed layouts:
- 3 reassurance elements with background image :
- 4 reassurance elements aligned :
- 4 reassurance elements with background image :
Specificities of the WiziBlock Elements of reassurance
To begin, you can consult the general configurations common to all WiziBlocks.
Other options will allow you to :
- Choose the color of your pictograms, add a link to them and decide whether this link will open in a new tab or not.
- Choose the reassurance pictograms to add via the search bar in the FontAwesome database or choose the image of your choice
- Customize the text of your reassurance element directly in the block
💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!