Available for

Import my product catalog


To import a catalog (or update your existing catalog), go to the Products > Tools > Import Products.

You can only import a CSV file here (5 MB or 500 lines maximum), with semicolon separators and Western European encoding (ISO-8859-1) or UTF-8.

It is important to note that the first line of your file must be dedicated to the names of the information, classified by column : brand, price incl. tax, etc. 

Also note that if the references or IDs (unique identification number) of your products to be imported already exist, the existing products will be updated. New products will be created automatically if this is not the case.


☝️ Good to know

We recommend that you follow the product catalog nomenclature carefully, so that your product data is as accurate as possible.

  1. Click on the Upload button and upload your import file.
  2. Once your file has been loaded, you can define which columns to import and what information they correspond to.
  3. Click on Import data. Before the final import, you will be presented with a preview of your file. You can check if all the information is correctly associated.
  4. The import of your new catalog or the update of your products is then done automatically, you just have to wait.
  5. If your product catalog includes products with variants, you need to use the API to import your catalog. A CSV import will not enable you to retrieve product variants.

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!