When you use our solution and in order to finalize your registration and to make your store functional, it is recommended to complete different sections with your information.
Your personal information
To add or modify personal information related to your account, go to My Account > Personal Information.
The personal information you enter in your administration area is not shared outside of our teams. The email you add in the Personal Information section will allow us to send you
- notifications related to your orders (e.g.: order received)
- our communications (e.g. launch of a new feature)
- responses from Business Coaches to your requests
Don't forget to fill in your phone number too! This will allow our services to secure access to your account, but also to contact you if necessary.
Your billing information
After you sign up, take the time to fill out your billing information in the My Account > Billing Information section.
This information will appear on your monthly subscription invoices, as well as on your service purchase invoices.
It will also be displayed on your order documents (invoices, prep orders, delivery orders).
👉 You can customize your order documents by following our dedicated tutorial
Your store details
This information will be used in several sections of the administration space to pre-fill certain fields, such as your T&Cs, legal notices, etc.
To fill in this information, go to My Account > Store details
💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!