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Manage my categories

The organization of your menu must be thought out in advance. For example, you can diagram the tree structure of your menu on a separate piece of paper or file. The idea is to put yourself in the shoes of the visitor to your website and imagine how they will navigate your store, as they would for example in a physical store. 
💡 Useful tip

Mindmeister can be a very good thinking aid.

Go to the Products section > Categories to access the main page for managing your categories.

Here, three distinct tabs are available. Each tab allows you to make essential configurations:

  • Categories: In this tab, you will find the list of all your categories, allowing you to modify, delete, hide, or display them.
  • Sort: Choose the order in which you want your categories to appear. Note that categories containing no published products will not appear in your store.
  • Options:
    • Number of products displayed: Set the number of products displayed per page on your store.
    • Content placement: Choose where the category description is displayed (at the top of the page or at the bottom of the page). Note that to optimize your SEO, the content is always positioned as high as possible in the page's source code, but you can adjust its display for a smoother user experience.

Create a primary or secondary category 

To create a new category, click on "Add a category"  and enter the category name.

You have two choices:

Create a primary category

Simply click on the OK button to create a primary category.

Create a secondary category

Click on the drop-down menu to select its parent category. The created category will then become a secondary category associated with the primary category you have selected.

Make my categories visible 

In order for a category to be displayed on your store, a product that is 100% complete and with “Display” status must be associated with it.

Customize my category

From the category management page, click on the cogwheel next to the category concerned.
 You can add different blocks of text and/or image to highlight your category. This will improve its SEO and make your category page more attractive.The advanced options will allow you to modify the name of the category, its association with a primary category, as well as its meta-description

Sort my categories

You have the option, via the dedicated tab, to determine the display order of your categories.

Set the number of products displayed

The last "Options" tab will allow you to determine the number of products you want to display on the category page. This number must be between 5 and 100.

Rename a primary or secondary category 

From the Products > Categories section, select the relevant category and click on the cogwheel to modify it.

The category name must be changed in 3 different places:

  • Category name (displayed in the menu)
  • Category name when hovering over (displayed when hovering over the menu)
  • Page name (displayed on the product list)

Delete a category

In order for a category to be deleted, you must first make sure that no products are associated with it.

There are several ways to remove products from a category.

Remove products from a category from the product list

From the Products > Product list section, you can filter your product list by selecting the category concerned:

The list of products displayed corresponds to the products associated to this category. Select the products you want to remove from the category and click on Category.

Select the option "Modify the main category", and check the category concerned:

Click on OK to validate.

Move products from a category to another

From the Products > Categories section, select the concerned category and click on the "Other actions" drop-down menu and then "Move products".

In the "New category for the products" drop-down menu, select the category to which you want to move the products, and in the "Following action" menu, select the Move option. Validate by clicking on OK.

Once your product category is empty, you can delete it from the Products > Categories section.

Associate my product to the categories

When you create or import your product, you must fill in the product form 100% in order to publish it.
The category is mandatory information to fill in. You can create your categories beforehand, from the Products > Categories section, or you can create your category directly from the product file, by clicking on Add a category.

You can select the category (or categories) in the Information tab of the product page, in Product category.

You can also associate your product with other categories by clicking on Product is linked to other categories.

You can associate the product with multiple sub-categories by checking off the various categories you wish to associate.

You can also change the category of your products en masse from the product list.

Reorganize main and sub-categories

If you want to make your child category (sub-category) into a parent category (main category), or vice versa, you can quickly and easily take this action from the Products > Categories section. You have 2 possibilities:

Change a sub_category into a main category

Select your sub-category, click on the drop-down menu "Other actions" and then "Move category". Leave by default, the "Parent category" in the drop-down menu, and click on OK.

Your sub-category is now a main category.

Changing a main category to a sub-category

Select your main category, click on the "Other Actions" drop-down menu and then "Move Category". In the "Move section" drop-down menu, select the main category you wish to associate and click on OK to validate.

Change the category of my products en masse

In the Products > Product list section, you can change the category(ies) associated to your products.

To do so, select the products you want to modify in the product list and click on Category :

Modify the main category

Here you can select, in the drop-down menu "All categories", the main category that you want to associate with your selection of products.

The main category of the selected products will then be modified and replaced by the category you have chosen.

Modify secondary categories

  • Replace current categories: You can replace the current categories by selecting the new categories you wish to associate.
  • Add to current categories: If you want to add new categories to your products, you can use this function and select the categories you want to associate with your products.
  • Remove from current categories: If you wish to remove categories from your products, you can use this option to select the categories that you no longer wish to associate with your products. To validate your changes, click on OK.

☝️ Good to know

Changing your product categories and reorganizing your categories generates automatic redirections to maintain your store's SEO ranking.

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!