Available for

Add a payment method

Configuration of the payment methods

The payment methods offered on our solution are already technically pre-integrated. Installation is therefore very simple and requires no technical configuration.

To configure your payment methods, go to Configuration (gear wheel) > Payment methods.

You will find here :

  • The payment methods already activated on your shop, if it is the case, and the possibility to edit or delete them.
  • The payment options advised by our solution.
  • The list of all payment methods available on our solution.
  • The possibility to order the display of your payment methods on the store by dragging them up or down.

When you select a payment method, you will find :

  • In the information box, the procedure for activating the payment method.
  • The information to be filled in (your ID, your API keys or a code) which will be communicated to you or accessible via your account linked to your payment method, when you sign your contract with the chosen payment solution.

☝️ Good to know

Some payment organizations may ask you for direct access to your store to verify its compliance before activating your contract. If your store is not yet open, you can send a link to preview your store, which you'll find in My Account > My Store > Manage Users.

The different statuses of the payment methods

Each payment method has 3 statuses:

  • Active: visible to all
  • Under test: visible only to you when you are connected to your administration space
  • Not set up: not visible and not configured

Once your payment method has been configured, it will automatically switch to "Under test" status.

Once your payment tests have been completed, you will then have to manually set it to "Active" status so that it is functional on your store and used by your customers.

Test and activate the payment methods

When you set up a payment module, it will automatically be put in "Under test" so that you can test it.

To test your payment module, you will simply have to simulate an order until the validation of the order to be redirected to the payment page.

If this payment page works and is displayed correctly, it means that your payment module is well configured, and you can set your module to "Active" status.

To do this, go to the Configuration (cogwheel) > Payment methods section, and click on the cogwheel to edit the desired payment method:

1. Click on the "Under Test" status
2. Click on "Active" in the drop-down menu
3. "Save" the modification on your payment method

⚠️ Watch Out

If you finalize your test order, by adding your banking information and by paying your order, think of cancelling it the same day, by switching it to "cancelled" status, to avoid any transaction fees.

Customize the payment methods

Via the editing of your payment methods, customization options allow you to :

  • Change the heading displayed in the order process.
  • Customize the image displayed in the order process. You must choose a logo size of 165 x 80 pixels.
  • Add an additional message visible in the order confirmation that your customer will receive once the purchase is finalized.
  • Define a specific cost for the use of the payment method (overcharging). This can be used if you want to give priority to your other payment methods.
  • Define a range of amounts to display this payment method (example: between 100 € and 500 €)
  • Choose for which countries to apply this payment method
  • Choose the order status that will be automatically applied once the order is validated

👉 Resources

Find the complete list of our payment methods

💡 Useful tip

If the payment method you'd like to configure isn't in the list of available payment methods, feel free to send us your suggestions for new payment methods here.


💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!