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Set up the TikTok pixel


The TikTok pixel allows you to track and understand the actions of users on your website.

When a user accesses your site, the pixel is triggered to measure his behavior and conversions.

It has 3 main functions:

  • Create personalized audiences from your website for remarketing purposes
  • Optimize ads for conversions
  • Track conversions and reassign them to your ads

To install the pixel on your WiziShop store, it's very simple, just follow the steps below:

Create your TikTok Business account

Sign Up for TikTok Business 

In order to sign up for TikTok Business, go to https://business.tiktok.com/

  • Once your account is created, you will be redirected to a page to enter your business account information.
  • In step 2, choose "I'm an advertiser" in your business type information.
  • In step 3, add your sector of activity and your billing and contact information.

Now that your account is created, you have access to your TikTok Business Center overview.

Setting up and adding events 

This step consists of creating your advertising account.

  • In order to do so, click on Assets  > Advertiser Accounts > Create new.
  • Fill in the information of your store.

Creating your Pixel

Once your advertising account is created, click on "Ads Manager" to be redirected to the campaign tracking and management page.

  • In the Dashboard, click on Assets > Events > Web Events > Manage.
  • Click on Create Pixel.
  • Choose the method “Events API”.
  • Select "Manually Set Up Events API" and enter your Pixel name.
  • Finally, copy your pixel ID.

You will then just have to fill it in your administration Settings > Tags & External Services > Pixel TikTok, in the dedicated field.

The events managed are the following:

  • ViewContent: when searching on a category or product page
  • InitiateCheckout: when adding to cart
  • CompletePayment: when validating the cart

👉  Resources 

Read our blog post on the subject :

New TikTok pixel

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!