The + pages (or informative pages), or landing pages are pages on which your visitor arrives after clicking on a specific link (article, advertisement, newsletter).
These pages can be a real tool for your SEO strategy. Very often used in marketing campaigns or promotions, the + pages are intended to guide this same visitor towards conversion.
To access the SEO tool for your Page +, head onto the Content > Pages > Configuration / SEO section.
You will find 4 sections :
Page name
The page name will only be used to find your page in the administration interface. It will not be displayed on your site.
Title to be displayed in the menu
This is the name of the page that will appear on your store.
H1 of the page
The H1 title is a tag that will send a signal to Google that the information is the title of your page.
Page position in the menu
You can choose between 4 locations for your page:
- Sidebar (Category list/ Page info)
- Footer menu column 1
- Footer menu column 2
- No menu
By using these available fields, you will be able to optimize the last missing elements of your category page:
- The URL of your page
- The title of your page
- The meta description
A maximum number of characters is recommended for the title of the page (60) and its meta description (160). Make sure to respect the number of characters, so that your texts appear in full in Google search results.
You will also be able to preview your optimization (preview on Google and length of your titles and descriptions).
☝️ Good to know
In this section, you can choose to index or not your page.
SEO analysis
Target keyword
You will be able to check if your target keyword is present in the SEO information of your page. Once your target keyword is added, 8 fields will be analyzed:
- Title H1
- Meta description
- Page title
- Keyword density in the text
- Introduction
- Number of words in the text
- Subtitles (H2, H3)
- Page URL
SEO Analysis
Once the keyword has been entered, the analysis will show you elements that have already been optimized or problems that need to be addressed. You will then have to follow the recommendations provided by the system.
This is a visual guide, which will allow you to make sure that your keywords are well filled in. You have the option to publish your Page + even if a red cross comes up as a result of your analysis.
💡 Useful Tips
When you're just starting out with your Page + strategy, it will be interesting to list all the events or marketing campaigns you have planned to implement in the coming months. This will allow you to prioritize the content you need to create, while assigning a keyword sequence to each of these pages.
Preview post on social networks (Open Graph)
The open graph allows you to have an overview of the visual and textual content displayed when a user shares the link to your store on social networks or by messages.
👉 Resources
SEO writing: The 10 steps to writing content that's optimized for SEO & Google
💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches if you have any questions!