Available for

My Account

​​You can access the Account and Settings section by clicking directly on your avatar (top right, in your administration area).



The Account section contains your information, as well as a space to change your password.

The Account section contains:

  • Your information


Your Information



Enter your contact information here: last name, first name, e-mail address (professional) and valid phone number. 

To change your password, go to Account > Your Information. In "Change your password", enter the password you wish to change and replace it with the new one.


Your Organization

The Organization section contains :

  • Settings
  • Payments
  • T&Cs



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This is where you'll find information about your business.

You can also enter or complete information about your communication channels, detail the actions you plan to take or the number of potential people who could be reached by the broadcast.




Here you can enter the payment method you'd like to use to receive your commissions (via Paypal or bank transfer). Then complete your details.



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In this section, you will find the general terms and conditions of use of your WiziShop Partners account.
Please note that if you do not validate the terms and conditions, you will not be able to access the other sections of your WiziShop Partners partner account.