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Import my products from Webdrop


Some services of the Webdrop solution are only available in French. Working with this supplier will require some proficiency in French.

To start selecting your Webdrop products, you will first need to create an account on the platform. Go to Webdrop's website and click on Free 14-day Trial. Fill in your details in the registration form, and make sure you tick Dropizi in the selection of given platforms.

Confirm your email address and password again, then click on Sign in.
Next, you will need to connect your Webdrop account to your store. To do this, go to Platforms, in the left-hand menu on your Webdrop area.
In the Dropizi module, click on Login and enter your Dropizi login details.
If your account has several stores, the scrolling menu will allow you to select which store to log on to. Once you have logged in, you will be able to start selecting your products.

Import your products

Selecting products and importing products are two separate processes on Webdrop.
You will need to select your products before you can import them. Once you have selected your products, you will need to link your categories to the Webdrop categories, and then set a sales margin. Once you have completed these settings, you will be able to import your products on to your store.

Select your products

To select the products that you wish to import, you have two options:

  • Select your products directly from each supplier’s catalog. Go to Suppliers, in the left-hand menu of your Webdrop space. The Read More link under each supplier will take you directly to its detailed page and its catalog. Click the View button under each product to access the product page, and the Add new channel button on the top right to select the chosen product and add it to your list of products to import on to Dropizi.
  • From Products, you can search the general Webdrop catalog. Use the box on the right to carry out an advanced search or a search by category. Once you have selected your products, click the Add new channel button (top right) to add your products to your Dropizi list.

Link your categories

To correctly carry out the final import of your products on to your store, you now need to link your own product categories to Webdrop’s. This is called category mapping, and it enables Webdrop to import your products directly on to the right categories on your store.

☝️ Good to know

If you skip this step, Webdrop will automatically create new categories on your store. The import of products will work but your store’s hierarchy will be modified. We recommend that you take the time to map your categories properly.

To link your categories :

  1. Go to Synchronization in the left-hand menu, then Mapping.
  2. Then import your store’s categories on to Webdrop, by clicking on Import Dropizi categories.
  3. You now need to assign your product categories to Webdrop’s.
  4. Once you have mapped your categories, go to Synchronization then Settings to prevent the import of unmapped products, if required. This option ensures that you only import products within the mapped categories, and blocks the import of other products.

Set your margin

The last step you need to take before importing your product is to set your sales margin. While you are still in Synchronization, go to Margins.

Here, you can set the global margin to apply to all your products, or a specific margin by supplier, or by category of product (these two last options are not available during the 14-day trial period). To help you set your margin, please refer to our tutorial 👉 Calculate the sale price of my products. Please note that each product page and each supplier indicates a recommended average margin.

☝️ Good to know
The final sale price of a product that you have imported on to Dropizi = Price excl. tax of the Webrop product + your established margin + the VAT fixed on Dropizi.

Import your products on to Dropizi

It is now time to import your products on to Dropizi. To do this, still in Synchronization, go to Import list.

In the Action menu next to each product, you will be able to Send your products to Dropizi (this must be carried out manually for each product).

Rework your product pages

When your products are imported on to Dropizi, their status will be set to “Display” (and they will therefore be visible on your store). We suggest that you change their status to "Not display", to enable you to rework their page.
The final sale price of the product that you have imported on to Dropizi = Price excl. tax of the Webdrop product + your sales margin set on Webdrop+ the VAT fixed on Dropizi.

Why is DropiziRank not on Webdrop?

DropiziRank is only available on AliExpress. Webdrop is not an open marketplace and it does not work in the same way as AliExpress (different controls, paid subscription system, selected products). The criteria taken into account in the DropiziRank rating (number of orders placed with the supplier, its average delivery times, the customer reviews left for both the supplier and the product ordered) are therefore of little relevance to Webdrop, which only offers high-quality suppliers.

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches should you have any questions!