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The Hn tags on my store

Hn tags are used in HTML code to define the titles and subtitles of a web page.

The "n" in Hn represents a number from 1 to 6, where H1 is the main title of the page and H6 is the least important title.

Hn tags are important for two main reasons:

  1. They help search engines understand the structure of the page and index its content based on its relative importance. Titles are often considered the most important elements of the page in terms of SEO.
  2. They allow users to quickly scan the content of a page and understand its structure. Titles help organize the page content and make it easier to understand.

On our solution, you can modify your tags freely!

However, your tags will have different locations depending on the heading you want to modify:

Hn tags on your homepage

You can change the Title tag in Content > Homepage, in the Configuration / SEO tab.

H1 tag

  • Your Title tag also acts by default as an H1 tag
  • If you add a WiziBlock containing an editing bar to your store, and part of your text is set up as Heading 1, this new text will become your H1 tag
  • It is better to have only one H1 tag per page (so that Google understands where the title of your page is). If one of your blocks already has text with Heading 1, do not add any to the other blocks. Lower headings are preferable.

Other tags

7 options are available and each heading corresponds to the associated Hn tag. The normal option corresponds to text without any title tag.

  • heading 1: H1 tag
  • heading 2: H2 tag
  • etc.

Hn tags on your product pages

  • The H1 tag corresponds to the product title
  • In the long description :
    • Title 1 corresponds to an H2 tag
    • Title 2 to an H3 tag

Hn tags on your categories

  • The H1 tag corresponds to the title of the category or sub-category
  • Title 1 to an H2 tag
  • Title 2 to an H3 tag

Hn tags on the blog pages

  • The H1 tag will be the title of the post
  • Title 1 an H2 tag
  • Title 2 an H3 tag

Hn tags on your images

The ALT tag of your images can be edited directly in the image manager, by double-clicking on the name of your image.

💬 Feel free to contact your Business Coaches should you have any questions!