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FAQ- WiziShop Partners Account


How to access my account ?

To access the My Account section (https://admin.partners.wizishop.com/fr/account/me), simply click on the circle with your initials and name at the top left of your WiziShop Partners administration area.



How do I retrieve my password?

To recover your password, go to the login page of your WiziShop Partners administration space. In the "Your password" field, click on "Forgotten? You will automatically receive an e-mail from us to change your password.


How do I change my password?

To change your password, go to My Account > Your Information. In "Change your password", enter the password you wish to change and replace it with the new one.



How do I change my personal information?

You can change your personal information in My Account > Your Information.


How do I change my organization's details?

You can modify your organization's information in My Account > Your Organization.