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Stores Management- Stores list


In the Stores List tab, you'll find the complete list of stores you've created from your WiziShop Partners account for your customers.

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Detailed explanation of your stores list

Search bar: you can quickly search for a specific store.


Filters: you can filter your store list according to status (Online, Offline, Deleted), language, activated payment and delivery methods.


Internal reference: we give you the option of assigning a personalized reference to each of your stores. This field is not mandatory.


Shop ID: this field is filled in automatically when the store is created. It is the store reference of the WiziShop group. This reference can be communicated to us in order to quickly and easily identify the store on our system.


Payment: These are the payment methods activated on the store.


Shipping: these are the delivery methods activated on the store.


Number of products: this indicates the number of products published in the store.


Published at: this indicates the date the store was last online.


Status: here you can change the status of the store.


Online → publish the store. Please note that a valid payment method must be activated on the store's account, as the Online status triggers billing for the shop.


Offline → by default, when a store is created, the status is "Offline". This represents unlimited testing of the store, while you develop it further.

Once the store has been published, you can switch it back to "offline", if you wish to carry out maintenance, for example. Please note, however, that the store will no longer be visible online, which may have an impact on the store's SEO. Please also note that taking a store offline after it has been published does not suspend its billing.


Deleted → store closed. Please note that deleting the store does not simply remove it from your list. If you set the store to "deleted", this will trigger the closure of the store, resulting in the deletion of its data.